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I require a 25% deposit for all scheduled appointments within the USA and a 50% deposit for dates which require travel outside of the United States.

Once you have sent me your Reservation form and I have had an opportunity to verify all the important information I need to feel safe and to ensure your safety and discretion as well, I will set up an initial phone call with you. We will agree upon a date and time to have a ten minute conversation. I will be calling you from a blocked number and this ten minute call will give us a chance to say “Hello” and hear each others voice. After our first call you will be invited to make a deposit towards our time together. Once a deposit has been received, I will  send you my direct cell number so that we may chat and get to know one another at our leisure. A deposit can be made towards our engagement in several ways and I will share those options with you once you have been verified. Upon receiving your deposit I will re-confirm the date, time and the duration and put aside that time exclusively for you.

It is important that we get to spend a little time connecting with one another prior to our appointment. Once the deposit is made, I will send you my contact number so that we can chat on the phone and get to know one another a little more and discuss the details of our adventure together.

Please come prepared with the rest of my donation placed inside of a card or gift bag with “Sitara Devi” clearly marked on the outside. If I am not in receipt of my gift within the first 15 minutes of meeting I may choose to leave and this would create a very awkward and uncomfortable situation for us both.

The following is a list of my availability and accordant donation for my time.

**This gentle Hindu Goddess is the divine partner of Lord Shiva and embodies the feminine characteristics that all men cherish in women**

2 Hours/$1,000 (Public Meet & Greet Date Only)

Imagine an oasis during a busy day. You work hard and this is a wonderful way to treat yourself.
We would start our encounter by meeting at an upscale hotel bar or restaurant which is the perfect setting for us to enjoy flirty banter with seductive glances over a savory nibble and a glass of wine. After spending a few hours feeding one another juicy morsels of wonderful delicacies we have the option to quietly slip away to the privacy of your room to share a sweet dessert and create a more intimate memory together if you wish to upgrade your package or we can plan for a future date now that we have had a chance to get better acquainted.
**This nurturing yet firm Hindu Goddess symbolizes the power of "shakti energy" which maintains all order and unity in the world**

3 Hours/$2,000

You understand and savor a truly unrushed affair… a cultivation of pleasure that slowly unfolds.
After enjoying a delicious meal together we would indulge ourselves in the intoxication of each others company. The time we share is valuable which means you and I can really treat ourselves to being in the moment and immersing our senses in pure rapture while together. We will block out the crazy world around us and simply allow ourselves to enjoy the joy that is cultivated when two special people come together to create heightened states of ecstasy and bliss for one another.
**Divine consort to Lord Brahma this Goddess rules over the arts, music, knowledge and wisdom which brings us pleasure on Earth**

6 Hours/$3,000

You are a Renaissance Man.

You would enjoy checking out a new Broadway production and sharing our favorite scenes over a divine dinner afterwards. Has an interesting exhibit at the local Museum caught your eye? Your heart races when you think about filling a day with riding roller coasters and eating cotton candy while holding hands with a pretty gal. Tickets to your favorite sports team in your hand and you have no date to help you root for your team?

What better way is there to unleash your imagination and youthful spirit than than with a sexy and cerebral companion by your side? Lets share our appreciation for all the fun the world has to offer us by enjoying an activity together. Perhaps you are in need of a well dressed date for a networking industry event or black-tie gala? This package would be perfect for you!

We have several hours to enjoy your choice of event as well as time together creating some special memories prior to the event and once we have returned and I have kicked off my heels. Interested in this sort of outing with me but not sure what you would like to experience? No worries, we can figure out a magical plan together that we both will relish.

**This Goddess is worshipped for her ability to bring her devotees immense prosperity and abundance in the form of wealth and fortune**

14 Hours/$5,000

For you it is about an all night exploration of fantasies with little breaks in between…
This is an experience that lasts all night long which would kick start with a delicious dinner. After our meal we would turn up the volume on our fun. We would escape from the world to enjoy a decadent all night dessert. What a wonderful way to  watch the sunrise and welcome the day together.
**The most fierce Goddess of them all, she has the ability to destroy all evil and at the same time is incredibly loving and compassionate**

24 Hours/$6,000

You yearn for an escape to a land of fantasy where time seems endless.
A mini vacation of sorts captures your imagination and you seek a brown-eyed beauty to lead you to your desired destination. Be it in the city you reside or a quick trip to a destination several miles away, you know that a change of scenery for an extended period of time will soothe your soul and bring back your mojo. Lets get ourselves packed and head towards the horizon hand in hand.
**The Hindu Goddess of love, carnal desire, lust, passion and sexual pleasure**

3 Days and 2 Nights/$10,000

You seek adventure combined with excitement and plenty of thrills.

The thought of taking off for a few days to a tropical paradise and forgetting about the world around us sounds like Heaven on Earth to you. A mundane business trip would be so much better with an alluring companion by your side. Perhaps you have been wanting to spend time in nature or at a spa retreat and would like a cherished friend to accompany you? Maybe its a lucky charm that you need as you venture off to a casino to try your hand at the tables.

If we have already met and have established trust, comfort and chemistry and you would like to take our relationship to the next level this would be a wonderful package for you. This offer includes three days and two nights of uninterrupted time together where we can allow ourselves to frolic in any environment we choose and let loose while continuing to ignite the spark we have previously lit between us.

I often receive inquiries from couples interested in enjoying time with me. Helping a loving couple create a special memory is incredibly fulfilling for me. If you are interested in having me join you and your beloved mate please do email me directly to plan such an outing.
While never expected, a token of your appreciation in the form of a gift is always welcome. I love perfume, lingerie and dark chocolate if you wish to bring something special for me. I am a size small on bottom and 34C on top. I love sexy heels and wear a size 8 shoe. My favorite gems are diamonds and garnets. One way I love to unwind is by enjoying massages at a spa and spa gift certificates always are a delightful surprise.

For longer engagements, feel free to inquire with me directly. I am always open to discussing options that suit your needs.

If we enjoy the warmth that we share in each others company and if there is a mutual desire to build upon our chemistry and develop a more intimate relationship with one another I am available for semi-exclusive arrangements.

I would be delighted to visit you in a new city whether you are located somewhere within the USA or internationally. I will be happy to provide for my own travel expenses and will not need you to cover any additional travel fees. Please book a minimum of 6 hours or greater package for dates where I will need to travel to meet you within the United States and a minimum of 24 hours package or greater for dates where I will need to fly internationally for our adventure. I will take care of all of my own travel arrangements.

If you cannot make a firm booking now, please consider
Joining my Mailing List for updates on my plans.



Booking Form

You can expect a timely response from me within 24 hours. Once I have received your form and you have been verified we will set up a time and date for a ten minute call. I will be calling you from a blocked number to say “Hello”. Once we have concluded our conversation I will then send you an invitation to make a deposit towards our date.

Sitara Devi

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